From Knowing To Doing

From Knowing To Doing This article originally appeared in Amalgamate: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business, Summer 2015 “Eat foods in close to their natural state.” “Get 60 minutes of vigorous activity a week.” “You need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night.” It’s one thing to know what to do and another […]

Predicting Success Tool for Leaders

Predicting Success Tool Help your people make decisions faster with this little tool.  The reason you’ll want to put this into practice is twofold. One, it helps you push your decision making down a level which speeds up results, and two, it raises the level of the decisions you do get pulled into. Plus, it’s […]

Chambers Pivot: The fourth year that was at CPI

Chambers Pivot: The fourth year that was at CPI 3 Things You Can Use Each fall I look up and think, really? Another year? This is the fourth annual recap for Chambers Pivot Industries, LLC. In case you didn’t know, every year I take a full day and think about the year that was, then […]

Teleseminar: Building a Sales Team That Doesn’t Suck

Teleseminar: Building a Sales Team That Doesn’t Suck It’s not the real title, that would be “Building a High Performance Sales Team,” and it’s inspired by hearing this: “… finding truly talented and capable marketing and sales professionals is more difficult and painful than picking auditors and lawyers…” I can help with that and this seminar will give […]

5 Tips For Starting a Google B2B Adwords Campaign

5 Tips For Starting a Google B2B Adwords Campaign (a version of this article appeared in Strictly Marketing Magazine, May/June 2016) I am talking to the director of marketing at GoLeads, an Omaha based database marketing firm, discussing the journey a buyer goes on when making a decision. On our big whiteboard of ideas, it’s not a surprise […]

Who Are You Talking To?

Who Are You Talking To? Grow faster by double and triple checking if your people are talking to buyers. From hero to zero Years ago, I worked an inside sales job where I logged into my terminal and contacted the companies that showed up on my screen. It was easy money because the list was filled […]

Leaving an Effective Sales Voicemail: You’re Not Doing It Right

Leaving an Effective Sales Voicemail: You’re Not Doing It Right This was on my voicemail last week (the phone number masking is my work): Let’s critique it. It’s terrible. Her volume is low, she sounds confused, it sounds like she mixed up scripts, and to top it off, she doesn’t know what my business does. Ooh, […]

You’re Not Broken, Are You?

You’re Not Broken, Are You? What is your people’s default attitude about your customers? Do they think of them as capable? Do they think of them as helpless? How is that communicated? My morning had me filling the role of customer to keep projects moving forward. That involves a good amount of time spent on the phone, exchanging […]

But What About the Competition?

But What About the Competition? A marketing meeting turns a new direction when the CEO says, “Company X has it right. Look at their website. It’s so much better than ours. Why isn’t our site more like that?” Heads nod as the person managing the projector scrolls through a visually striking website. The CEO catches […]

Disrupting Your Workflow, CIA Style

Disrupting Your Workflow, CIA Style In 1944 the CIA put out a Simple Sabotage Field Manual ( chock full of advice on how to incite and execute simple sabotage. Point (c) in the introduction highlights “A second type of simple sabotage requires no destructive tools whatsoever . . . is based on universal opportunities to […]