How to be a Great Sales Manager
How to be a Great Sales Manager You’ve seen me list the differences between the two roles here.
How to be a Great Sales Manager You’ve seen me list the differences between the two roles here.
The New AMALGAMATE Business Booklet is Here The Winter 2016 Edition of AMALGAMATE is ready for download.
Predictions for 2017 After peeking into the crystal ball for a few minutes, here’s what jumps out. The growth of the mystery story. It’s referenced in Robert Cialdini’s new book, Pre-Suasion, and brands will latch on to it in 2017. It’s an old storytelling technique, but the reason it will become more prevalent is because it’s […]
Build on Your Strengths This article originally appeared in Amalgamate: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business, Summer 2015 I have a bias. It happens when I think about your business. I default to creating or uncovering the innovative ideas inside your business. Breakthrough concepts. I want to encourage visionary thinking. Invent ways to propel the […]
Greg, What Does Your Planning Look Like? Yes, I take my own medicine. As proof, I spent the weekend applying some of my ideas to recapping 2016 and looking ahead to 2017. Specifically, I’m planned my flow of business for next year. I use this map, which you may have seen before.
Goodwill Omaha’s CEO Pay and Your Growth Mindset Recent front page news in Omaha is the revelation that CEO Frank McGree has been bringing in an annual salary over $400,000 and received a onetime bonus in 2014 that put his pay over $900,000. (“No Culture of Thrift,” Omaha World Herald) It was brought up at […]
From Knowing To Doing This article originally appeared in Amalgamate: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business, Summer 2015 “Eat foods in close to their natural state.” “Get 60 minutes of vigorous activity a week.” “You need a minimum of 7 hours of sleep each night.” It’s one thing to know what to do and another […]
Chambers Pivot: The fourth year that was at CPI 3 Things You Can Use Each fall I look up and think, really? Another year? This is the fourth annual recap for Chambers Pivot Industries, LLC. In case you didn’t know, every year I take a full day and think about the year that was, then […]
But What About the Competition? A marketing meeting turns a new direction when the CEO says, “Company X has it right. Look at their website. It’s so much better than ours. Why isn’t our site more like that?” Heads nod as the person managing the projector scrolls through a visually striking website. The CEO catches […]
Are You Working Too Hard for New Business? This note is for growing companies under 150 employees. Regardless of how fast you’re growing, on a scale from easy to hard, 1 to 5, how would you rank the effort expended to find more business? Think of 1 as “so easy that I have to pinch myself every day to see […]
Companies hire me to help them speed up growth. I do that by helping them design sales practices that fit their size, disposition and unique culture.
Call and find out what that looks like for your organization.
1642 N 53rd St
Omaha, NE, United States
(402) 281-2785
A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.