Greg’s Right FIT Newsletter #125 – Scheduling, Know your destination, Backyard farmer

Sales and marketing Newsletter

Quick notes to help you get more sales and marketing done in less time. . . next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Schedule your day around one or two priorities. Get them done and move on with a sense of accomplishment.
  • I can’t change the past, but I have a shot at the future. Same with you. Make a big Lebron James pre-game motion, let the past go, and get moving to the next thing.
  • Ending the day on paper before it begins is powerful advice, yet hard to remember. Try calendar reminders, post-its in the bathroom, and a notepad on your nightstand.
  • Nobody fears a desired future state. What they fear is the journey. Will it take too long? How will I know I’m off course? Is it worth it? To help with that, get a guide.

Being Human – Know your destination

Taken from “The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth.”

Tactics for Managing Non-sales Staff

There is a good chance that your non-sales staff is engaged in no sales and marketing activities. Using the idea from the previous section, their competent and confident circle is nonexistent, their tried before circle is nonexistent, leaving us only the energy-draining activities. In other words, in this group of employees, we’re starting from zero. Knowing that, where do we start?

We start, to borrow a phrase popularized by Stephen Covey, with the end in mind. If we look at your strategic vision, how do you see your non-sales staff helping with sales? In the future, what will it look like at that time? If I gave you a big list of marketing activities, which ones would your non-selling staff engage in?

  • Volunteering
  • Networking events
  • Writing about the work you do
  • Commenting on online content
  • Trade association leadership
  • Mining contacts for referrals
  • Looking for endorsements from clients and vendors
  • Sharing company content with their network
  • Writing cards and thank you notes
  • Asking service providers for links from their websites
  • Sharing their work best practices in a webinar
  • Asking for introductions to other businesses
  • Teaching vendors and customers how to promote your services

In your idealized future, how many of those activities are your non-sales people doing? If you look at the list and get distracted thinking “no one is doing that now,” go back and revisit how to ignore the present when thinking about the future in Chapter 3 (in “The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth,”) as in this figure.

greg chambers start in the future
(Starting with the future and working back to today)

For this step in the process, it doesn’t matter what your current state is, it only matters what you want your future state to look like. Your clear description of an organization engaged in selling activities, the vision of having your people’s latent selling power unleashed for growth, is the most important thing to start with.

Good stuff.


Random Stuff

The Backyard Farmer. . .

Have you ever seen that old skit on SNL where the women play the NPR radio co-hosts? Speaking in that low voice that almost puts you to sleep?

I started to write something, got lost in the Backyard Farmer and literally can’t remember a thing. (but know that it’s a good time to start thinking about grub control. . .or maybe it’s not. I forget.)


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