Click here for a copy of the IIAN handouts provided to attendees.
The VIA Test of Character Strengths at the UPenn. (8th spot down the list)
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“Selling Like a Human: How to Effortlessly Increase the Size and Velocity of New Opportunities” is an all-new program designed and delivered by Greg Chambers. It is a highly participative, interactive workshop which focuses on the conversation required for sales. (Greg has worked with everyone from accountants and architects to professional sales teams.)
Benefits of the program include the following improved results and outcomes
- Qualify buyers quickly so as not to waste time—find the right buyer at the right time.
- Use conversation, phrases, and wording that drive the sale forward and toward larger opportunities.
- Focus on value and turn around any discussion so that the topic is value (not solution).
- Create powerful approaches so that you know what to say after you say “hello.”
- Take control of any meeting right from the outset.
- Involve the buyer in the diagnostic as to how best to hire and use you, your products, and your services.
- Become an instant peer and colleague of the buyer, and not a vendor, sales person, or subordinate.
- Avoid being delegated downward.
- Be thoroughly prepared to respond to any objection, at any time, from any buyer.
- Create larger projects and longer term relationships from the outset.
This unique approach, which focuses on words, questions, phrases, and listening devices utilized in business development, involves role-playing and testing. In a safe but challenging environment, you will master human sounding conversational techniques, skills, and questions which will be immediately useful in your marketing and sales efforts.
- You will have the opportunity to practice intimately with small learning teams within the larger group.
- You will have the opportunity to observe the “hot seat” and learn from a safe distance.
- The workshop includes a 30-day period of email questions to Greg’s personal email address, to be answered within 24 hours. Use this to practice before a sales call or to debrief after one, or simply to continue to hone your skills.
Greg Chambers is the author of multiple books including, “The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth: A simple process for unleashing the power of your people for growth.” He has helped small to mid-sized businesses develop sales and marketing practices that fit their unique sizes and dispositions. He is based in Omaha, NE.
A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.