Newsletter #3 – Complete the Day, Go Slow, Hidden Rules


Quick notes to help you get more done in less time. . . next week.

Welcome to the first edition of my weekly, week-end primer. In anticipation of my upcoming book, The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth, this newsletter has concise advice you can put it use. . .next week, after it has a chance to sit in your brain over the weekend. Enjoy!

(get the newsletter here: https://www.chamberspivot.com)

This primer has three sections to help you get more done, your way:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random StuffTechniques for FIT

  • Complete your day on paper before it begins. Best if you do it the night before so your brain can work out how to do it faster.
  • Simmering low and slow brings out the best flavor in cooking. Apply that thought to your high gain activities to intensify your outcomes.
  • Use technology to help you do more with less effort requires a initial investment in time. No different than investing time to training a newly hired assistant on how to be effective for your team.
  • Along those lines, if you use technology to automate, double check that you’ve automated prompts for person-to-person contact and events. You don’t want to come off as a robot, you just want to be more consistent.


Being Human – Hidden rules
I recently finished the book, A Framework for Understanding Poverty by Ruby Payne, and listened to a podcast from James Altucher, How to Get in the Mind of Billionaires.

Both were full of hidden gems, but the latter led me back to the former. Specifically her description of the hidden rules among classes. The unspoken cues, beliefs, and habits of a group. Beyond just being interesting, it made me rethink some of the marketing copy and sales language that I use for target markets. Some of my favorite contrasts that she pointed out:

  • Food: Poverty focuses on quantity; Middle class focuses on quality; Wealth focuses on presentation.
  • Time: Poverty focuses on the present; Middle class focuses on the future; Wealth focuses on traditions and history.
  • Family Structure: Poverty tends to matriarch; Middle class to the patriarch; Wealth depends on where the money comes from.
  • Social Emphasis: Poverty is social inclusion if you’re liked; Middle class emphasizes self-governance and self-reliance; Wealth emphasizes social exclusion.

Keep these items in mind if your sales and marketing efforts are class specific, as many of my clients are working on. If you’re not communicating in a way that expresses the unspoken cues, beliefs and habits of the group you’re trying to get in front of, chances are you’re not as effective as you could be.

Know the hidden rules.


Random Stuff
What does this smell like?

Wilson the ABC is an endless source of entertainment for me. He reminds me every day that I’m not a dog.

The steam cleaning guru was in here freshening the furniture. Wilson isn’t fond of male strangers, especially ones in the house with loud machinery and black boots. (Laura thinks it’s because of a traumatic experience with a farmer)

Once the threat was gone, I sniffed the freshness. All evidence of teenagers and pet dander were sucked up and removed, in its place was the smell of chemical spring.

Wilson and I went to investigate the new smells. Satisfied with the progress,I turned to leave the room. Just as Wilson lifted his leg and made sure that everyone knew he still lived here.

Some days. . .

Greg Chambers:
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