Greg helped my business pivot during some challenging times, and in effect, we were able to harness the power of online marketing to grow our business in ways we hadn’t before.
– Daniel Rehal, Vision2Voice
Before engaging Greg, we had ideas without action. He pointed us in the right direction with an actionable plan. Greg also helped me structure Javlin‘s future business development team…who to bring on board and when.
– Rob Johnson, Javlin Capital
Wow indeed. I wasn’t expecting that [results]. I have to tip my cap to you. You were the one who encouraged me to ‘market in my comfort zone.’
– Bert Hancock, Alchemy Development
I consider Greg Chambers one of the first to contact when I choose to use consulting services. Greg and I have long relationship dealing with a variety of issues and activities for over a decade and I trust his judgement.
– Bill Mattern, GoLeads/USFarmData
LOVE the Right Fit Newsletter. I’m processing mentally how I can “hang on” to these nuggets.
– Michael Johnson, Michael Johnson CPA, LLC
Greg helped me find some of my largest cases EVER. He has exceeded my expectations.
– Craig Kelley, Inserra and Kelley
You were dubious when I asked you to serve as our mentor for LLP, but you greatly undervalue yourself. Your skills were a great fit for the team and I appreciate you taking the time to study and learn the material. I look forward to working together in the future – you have a wealth of knowledge, are very encouraging, and make a great coach. You added a lot of value to the process.
– Edward Weininger, AlphaBitcoin

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Companies hire me to increase sales.
I do that in a very particular way. I assist them in designing sales practices their people can live with and are a natural fit for who they are. Research shows that engaged employees sell twice as much with no additional investment, so I focus on making selling everyone’s business. The reason most businesses don’t grow faster is they use growth strategies that don’t work for everyone in the company. We overcome this by focusing on sales strategies oriented to your size, goals, and disposition. I encourage you to consider who your company really is: a group of human beings, real people with strengths and weaknesses, then to design approaches and practices that are a natural fit for your people. Find out how that looks in your business by giving me a call today.[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]

Get Greg’s book The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth

Greg Chambers’ new book, The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth: A simple process for unleashing the power of your people for growth, was released February 2018.

Greg meets with me and others at Javlin on a regular basis to keep us accountable. As daily tasks and activities grow overwhelming, he helps us maintain focus on our respective end-goals. He acts as a trusted, objective third party who stands outside the forest and carefully asks why we make certain decisions. Then he offers unique, creative considerations steeped in experience, often citing principles promoted by industry and efficiency experts. He helps us think from 30,000 feet, as well as execute at ground level. Best of all, with admirable humility, he always asks: ‘Am I helping you?’
– Aaron Filipi, Javlin Capital
I highly recommend Greg as a teacher, coach and mentor. I’ve had the privilege of Greg’s expertise over many years of sales. He has the ability of listening and coaching on each step in the sales process.
– Jennifer Liebsack, Merchants Markets Group