Sales and Marketing Teleseminars Using FIT


These are webinars I have done with clients and prospects. They don’t always mention FIT by name, but the principles are all there. 


Teleseminars on topics based on conversations with clients and prospects. They will give you actionable insights in less than 45 minutes. 

For years, I was convinced that the only way for someone to learn the principles of FIT was to engage with me one-on-one, where we apply the principles directly to your work. Then, I offered a couple overviews in teleseminar format for easy consumption. I announce them in my FIT newsletter and link to them from this page. It works in a pinch.

I have started turning the transcripts into booklets. If you’d like one, contact me and I’ll get it to you.

If you have a topic that you’d be interested in applying FIT principles to, please email me at pivot@chamberspivot.com or use the calendar link to schedule time with me.

A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.