Newsletter #99 – Destinations, Natural resources, and Anniversaries

Sales and marketing Newsletter

Quick notes to help you get more done in less time. . . next week.

In this issue: Short term decisions

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • You’ve heard the gurus say, “Ask yourself, is what I’m doing right now moving me closer to my goals or taking me further away?” Good advice if you know where you want to go.
  • If you have trouble remembering where you want to go, take a few minutes before retiring for the evening and write out one thing you’ll do tomorrow that will get you a step closer to the goal.
  • If you have no destination in mind, don’t panic. As we covered a few weeks ago, when strategy isn’t there, focus on execution. Action generates ideas.
  • Avoid the trap of decisions made for short term targets without the benefit of knowing the destination. Just because a recruiting deadline looms in a week doesn’t mean you force a 7 year coaching contract through. Just sayin’.

Being Human – YIMBY

How about this? We’ll pay you to move here. . .

In the world of forecasting, how do you measure the impact of a new corporate headquarters relocating to your city? Major metros are locking their big thinkers in rooms until they come up with a plan for how to woo Amazon, while others are taking aim at smaller companies with big dreams and big funding. That’s a long term decision, right?

What strikes me about these discussions is not only the power of big corporations, but the power of big cities. In the past, cities grew from natural resources like a confluence of rivers, abundant farmland, or naturally deep seaports. In the last century, the definition of natural resources expanded to include manmade concepts like legalized gambling in Vegas or clustered expertise like the Silicon Valley or Shenzhen in China. In the future, will cities simply manufacture their own “natural resources?”

Among the rumored offers for the new Amazon HQ is one from Newark, NJ that offers up to $7BN in tax credits and one from Chicago that lets the giant company keep $1.32BN in income taxes collected from workers. Let those numbers sink in for a minute and think about the power of big cities. This summer, a friend who recruits for an industrial manufacturer in Milwaukee lamented Racine, Wisconsin’s deal to lure Foxconn and its thousands of jobs. She said her people would commute at first, then move to Racine and her cost of business will increase as a result.

The power of cities.

To those of you who lead your communities, expand the definition of your area’s natural resources to include resources that can be manufactured. That may include everyone in your community acting like a economic development representative. Maybe my next book will end up being The Human Being’s Guide to Growing Your Metro Area.


Random Stuff

The anniversary


December first is my trigger for “anniversary.” I’ve talked about triggers before, how they need an emotional component to stick in your brain, and the best way to get an idea to stick is if it’s funny or sexual in nature. Our brains are wired to remember those things.

Today, I’m adding fear to the list. It’s best if your triggers are funny, sexual, or fear inducing. Being scared works to trigger activity too.

Good stuff.


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