Sales Momentum Newsletter #117 – Dread, Evidence, Memories

Sales and marketing Newsletter

Quick notes to help you get more done in less time. . . next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Spring. The perfect time to attack something that bothers you. A nagging injury, ill-fitting jeans, broken ice-maker, or a neighborhood dispute. Make some progress on it.
  • If you dread an upcoming engagement, ask yourself what’s the worst that can happen? If you can live with that result, make an effort to do your best and move on. Life will continue and new opportunities will come up.

  • Before you take time for yourself, remind your brain that you deserve it, otherwise, you’ll feel guilty and won’t be present in the moment. It’s why so many people come back from breaks feeling exhausted, they beat themselves up thinking about other things the whole time they are gone.
  • You rarely get what you don’t ask for. The challenge is to have an idea of what you want, or get really good at asking questions like, “Is that the best you can do?” In the end, if you didn’t get something, but didn’t ask for it, move on.

Being Human – Evidence

“A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence.” – David Hume


This week, the concept of evidence has come up enough to be weighing on my brain right now. In a workshop, multiple coaching sessions, and client meetings, I find myself posing the question, “And how do you measure that?”

Evidence is defined as facts and information indicating whether a belief is true or valid. When I ask you how a belief is measured, your response is going to fall in one of two evidence buckets. This is pretty heady stuff, but stick with me because although it took years for me to fully digest the concept, you’re clever enough that it will come right to you.

Evidence: you either have it, which puts it in the “has evidence” bucket; or you don’t, which puts it in the “does not have evidence” bucket.

I know. Deep, right?

Evidence comes in three flavors which we define as hard, soft, and third party. They’re all valid, depending on the kind of outcome we’re after, but it’s useful to note the differences. For example, the more mission critical the outcome, the more we demand hard evidence.

This next week, when you hear a co-worker talking about a lackluster results, ask yourself, “and how are we measuring that?” It leads to some interesting places.

Random Stuff

Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.” The Specials (covering Prince Buster, covering Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians (such a great band name) presumed to be based Chinese proverb. . .it goes way back, that’s all I’m saying.)

A college classmate of ours passed away this last week. A good man, successful in life, who built a wonderful family. The event is a stark reminder that tomorrow is promised to no one and the end can come suddenly. Not everything is under our control.

That said, the reason it’s notable is because in the USA, it’s so rare. 90% of the men born in the USA in same year I was are still around. Most men born that year will make it past age 70.

So pour one out for the homies and get on with the weekend. You have some magical times ahead. I can feel it.

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