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Greg’s Sales Newsletter #174 – Mary Poppins advice, Groceries, Paris

Quick notes to help you get more sales and marketing done in less time. . . next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • Each time I get a task checked off my list, a little Julie Andrews voice goes off in my head, “Well begun is half done,” because it’s always the case. A thing well begun really is half-done, so get well-beginning.
  • Every time I eat a piece of pie, I hear her voice again. “That’s a pie crust promise. Easily made, easily broken.”
  • Value comes from the problem being solved or the result achieved. I can’t find a Julie Andrews movie quote to concur, but either way the sentence sounds better if you imagine her saying it.
  • Early next week, go through your calendar and ask all of your meeting organizers, “What will you need to see, hear, or feel that will tell you this meeting was a success?” It’s not unusual to get the outcome almost immediately and it will free up some time later in the week. You’re welcome.

Being Human – Going as far and you can, then further

“I really thought he worked there.”

This almost fits in the random stuff section, but I’m a little jet-lagged and I have to get this out of my head. One of my travel companions told a funny story about a mutual acquaintance who was in our local grocery store wearing some sort of vest and talking to customers. It was a tough patch in the economy and my fellow traveler thought, “Oh no, he lost his job and now he works at the grocery store.” She tried to avoid him, but made eye contact and started an awkward conversation. In time he sensed her discomfort and based on something she was saying, he said, “Wait, hold on. You think I work here, don’t you?” followed by expletives.

It’s a funny story because he’s a very successful professional, was in the store volunteering, and when people get so offended by something like that, it’s even funnier. He brought this up every time he saw her and over time, it became the stuff of legend.

Fast forward a few years and he suffers a heart attack. When my friend hears the news she takes it upon herself to get a card and some balloons for him, but before she takes it to the hospital, she stops at the grocery store and gets employees to sign the card. “Get Well Soon, Boss!”

I imagine his poor heart skipped another beat when she said, “I had all your employees at the grocery store sign the card for you.” Great story.

I can’t get the story out of my head because it’s such a great example of being thoughtful and exhibiting empathy, but it’s also about going above and beyond thinking a thought and taking action for no particular payoff other than a moment of levity. It’s just so human.

In business, how many times do our clients cross our minds but we don’t take action? In our personal life, how many fleeting thoughts of loved ones do we have without taking action?

Next week, when you have one of those fleeting thoughts, pair it with an action. Intent has always counted more than technique, but when they come together, BAM. It’s magic.

Random Stuff


Paris pics

As I mentioned, I’m still a little punchy from the quick trip to Paris. It may be jet-lag or withdrawal from a steady flow of drink, not sure yet. I only took 482 pics this time and haven’t had the chance to review them all, but I have some to share.

I have a few of these where the tops of building are, um, missing. I have a few Parisian chic pics, like a clock showing a little leg:

A lot of fleur-de-lis, a few roosters:

(which will always remind me of my favorite David Sedaris story)

Quite a few medieval church details that make me laugh, like this headless guy who I’m sure is a saint I should know.

Or this scene which doesn’t exactly look church-like:

About 1 in 15 are worth keeping, like this:

I’ll have more thoughts for you in the coming weeks. It was a great trip.


If you need to set up a time to visit, follow this link:

Greg Chambers:
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