Rent a Brain 160 Characters At a Time
Rent a Brain 160 Characters At a Time You may find this worth noting. I have a couple of mentees that are easily under 30 years old and there’s an interesting dynamic taking place. They like to text.
Rent a Brain 160 Characters At a Time You may find this worth noting. I have a couple of mentees that are easily under 30 years old and there’s an interesting dynamic taking place. They like to text.
The NFL – A Bunch of Mama’s Boys Weekends are great. Sometimes I get to lay around, watch TV and eat rows and rows of Ritz crackers. Other times I find myself at a big table wolfing down ossobuco with an NFL Pro-Bowler. Last weekend it was the latter. I hated to be that guy, […]
Sunk Costs and Strategies A recent article in the Omaha World Herald highlighted a debate in the state legislature about whether or not the progress on the University of Nebraska Lincoln’s Technology Innovation Campus is meeting expectations. “Some question Nebraska Innovation Campus’ pace, funding requests, private-sector buy-in” A quote in the article sounds like it was ripped […]
The Company You Keep Yes, this title is the lazy version of Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with wise men and you will become wise. . .” and it sums up how I felt this weekend after spending 3 days with a group of 200 successful consultants from around the world as we gathered under the tutelage of […]
How We Generate Early Stage Leads in a Complex Sales Process In my last missive we ran through a high level Big List of Complex Lead Generation Tactics. Someone gave me the white board and the scribbles were flying. Heads nodded and understanding floated down. “I get it,” someone offered. “Now what?” Start with the […]
Small Business and Big Business Focus – the Barbell As work continues on the Sales Training Weekly course and the Tap the Hidden Job Market course, I’ve been relying on a visual that may help you define the focuses and challenges of small businesses and larger businesses. For this illustration, I’m defining small business as […]
The Sales Training Weekly Landing Page We’re about a week away from launching our self-paced online sales training tool, Sales Training Weekly. As Drew hammers away at the back end of the program, we’ve started working on the main selling page. The “landing page” in common internet marketer parlance. You can view the landing page […]
College Costs and the Sales Process There is a persistent rumor here at Chambers Manor that we have a senior in high school stalking the halls. Evidence comes from the clusters of giant shoes, the odor emanating from one of the bedrooms and a grocery bill rivaling that of a small city-state . . . […]
Google’s Disappearing Organic Search Results In working with an ecommerce retailer over the past year that has watched their revenue flatten and then decline over time, we found a direct correlation between the rise of Google Adwords and Google Product Listing Ads against the declining Organic traffic that came to the site. I will be […]
Business Development Case Studies The first of a series of summary Case Studies have been published. The most common question coming from parties that want to help me find new prospects is, “What is it, exactly, that you do?” A question that is easily answered in person with examples. For those that aren’t yet interested […]
Companies hire me to help them speed up growth. I do that by helping them design sales practices that fit their size, disposition and unique culture.
Call and find out what that looks like for your organization.
1642 N 53rd St
Omaha, NE, United States
(402) 281-2785
A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.