Marketing on Mobile
Who will crack the mobile marketing nut? Who will crack the code on how to market on mobile? Facebook? Twitter? Google +? Pinterest? Tumblr? Not sure. I know who is winning the battle right now. Email.
Who will crack the mobile marketing nut? Who will crack the code on how to market on mobile? Facebook? Twitter? Google +? Pinterest? Tumblr? Not sure. I know who is winning the battle right now. Email.
What’s the ROI? The beauty of our wired world, as my techie friends will tell you, is that once our activities are reduced to bits and bytes, we can track anything. Think about it. I am logged into Google+, my browser is a cookie monster, and when I’m on your site you know how long […]
“DIRECT MAIL IS DEAD!” I’ve read it here and there. The demise. Close the Post Offices. Eliminate Saturday delivery. But then my postman shows up. Leaning a little to the left. Looking a little strained. With some effort, he handed me this catalog. Check it out:
This is the blocking and tackling of email marketing. Among the thousands of messages I get in my email are many, many offers. Here’s a good one from Land’s End. This is my favorite part:
Companies hire me to help them speed up growth. I do that by helping them design sales practices that fit their size, disposition and unique culture.
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A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.