Teleseminar: Get Your Sellers Ready for the Robots


If the robots are coming, when will they replace my salespeople?

As if finding new business wasn’t hard enough, advances in the technology around sales and marketing grows each day. As you know, these advances create new opportunities but blow up old approaches and revenue streams too. In this teleseminar I am going to cover some of the advances in technology that I’ve been testing with clients, as well as making some predictions about how these changes will shake out and what you can do about it.

April 12, 2018

Get Your Sellers Ready for the Robots is an all-new program designed and delivered by Greg Chambers focusing on the challenges around implementing new technology in the opaque world of sales and sellers. This seminar is designed for business leaders, their marketers, and sales managers that want to hear about some of the tools and technologies that are being put to use right now, and how to prepare for the tools of the future. We use examples from companies that I’m working with today and apply the age old communication skills and decision tools that sellers have used since the start. (Because selling is the oldest profession on earth – often confused with another one!)

We cover:

  • Which types of sales and selling opportunities will be impacted by technology, first.
  • How to differentiate between the tools available for your business.
  • Processes and training to lay the groundwork for advances in AI and machine learning.
  • Where your sellers can add value in the future, and where they can’t.
  • The best steps to take after the teleseminar.

Visuals for the seminar:

A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.