Tequila Consumption
You would think I would be past this at some point, but I’m still fascinated by all things Tequila. All things.
So, as you travel the world closing business, here are the Top 5 Tequila consuming countries, as reported by Bloomberg in 2013:
Country Marketshare
U.S. 50.2%
Mexico 33.6%
Russia 1.5%
Germany 1.5%
Canada 1.1%
Others 12.0%
And here are the Top 5 in 2022 per IWSR
Country Marketshare (roughly)
U.S. 65%
Mexico 30%
Canada 2%
U.K. 1%
Colombia 1%
Others 5%
You know what this means don’t you?
Cinco de Abril is here!
Lo bueno.