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“The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth: A Simple Process for Unleashing the Power of Your People for Growth,” 2/2018 – Amazon; BEP

“The Perfect Growth Formula: A Balanced Approach to Growing Your Business Without Stress or Strain,” with William Mattern, 11/2017 – Amazon

“Amalgamate Winter 2016: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business,” 12/2016 – Amazon

“Amalgamate Summer 2016: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business,” 5/2016 – Amazon

“Amalgamate Winter 2015: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business,” 12/2015 – Amazon

“Amalgamate Summer 2015: A Mix of Ideas for Your Business,” 5/2015 – Amazon

“The Legend of Mad Gringo: A Novel,” 7/2015 – Amazon

Pillars of Franchising 5/2018 – A human being’s guide to franchise growth. Pillars of Franchising Radio Show.

The Entrepreneur Way 7/2016 – Neil interviewed me for his podcast and makes me sound great. Not Being Your Own Worst Boss with Greg Chambers Founder and Owner of Chambers Pivot Industries

Infotec Live! 4/2013 – Jim did a nice interview about my presentation at Infotec, a technology conference. (yes, we’re watching ourselves talk)

Silicon Prairie News 7/2010- Andrea did a great piece on my company Mad Gringo and acutally used our Worldwide HQ as the setting. She wasn’t scared.

Silicon Prairie News 11/2008- Jeff did a nice piece on me way back when. . .things change.

Quoted in Moneyish 1/2018: How to keep meetings focused and interruption-free, with an anecdote about meeting safe words.

Quotes in The Canvas Mag 11/2017: Emerging Behaviors: Consumer Trends with the Greatest Impact, on consumer technology trends that will impact b2b selling.

Quoted in article in The Canvas Mag 5/2017: The Lesson of the Lemming, How mass appeal can be dangerous.

Article for Insightful Accountant 4/2017: Building The Firm of the Future, with ideas on how to build a high value, low volume practice.

Article for Insightful Accountant 1/2017: Developing Talent: Your Firm’s Next Biggest Win Depends on it, how a firm’s future big win will come from current hires that leave for other opportunities.

Quoted in article in GoodCall 1/2017: The One Skill Every College Student Should Learn: Salesmanship. Hint: I agree completely.

Accounting Today published an article 11/2016: “The Power of Options in Value Based Pricing” on using contrasting choices when presenting new projects.

Quoted on iMeetCentral 11/2016: “How data is driving the future of marketing” on the steps to take in moving to data informed marketing.

Quoted in GoodCall 11/2016: Unusual Jobs Held By US Presidents Show Success Traits on passion.

Quoted in Newsmax Finance 10/2016 – 5 Tips for Building a Billion Dollar Business on utilizing your employee’s self-identified strengths

US News and World Report 9/16 – commenting on teens and car insurance, (link)

AccountingToday published this article in 8/2016 – The Impossible Journey: Transitioning to Value Based Pricing

Article in the 2nd Quarter Newsletter for MGI Asia, a network of accounting firms in 7/2016 – Bring Talent to the Top – 3 Business Development Practices That Will Surface Hidden Talent

AccountingToday published this article in 6/2016 – 3 Business Development Practices That Will Surface Hidden Talent

An article I wrote for Strictly Marketing Magazine 5/2016 5 Tips for Starting a Google Adwords Campaign

Quoted in AMEX OPEN 4/2016Business Expansion: Be Aware of These Red Flags with some thoughts on strategic planning

Quoted in Frandsen Bank & Trust’s Newsletter 4/2016 – “Achieving Work/Life Balance as a Small Business Owner” with some thoughts on balance.

Quoted in Gild.com’s recruiting software blog, 3/2016 – Lousy Recruitment Messaging is Killing Your Brand, advising you to use your internal marketing resources creatively.

Quoted in the Davinci Meeting Rooms blog, 2/2016 – What to Consider Before Starting a Business, with two critical pieces of advice. Spend time with customers and find a good lawyer.

An article on the re-lauch of my old brand, Mad Gringo, under new management – The Return of Mad Gringo, on the Rum Therapy blog, of course.

Quoted in Staples Business Hub 12/2015 – Swag 101: Trade Show Giveaways and Promotional Products” on not being too clever in your approach.

Quoted in ASICentral 10/2015“How Do I Raise Prices Without Alienating My Customers” on staggering a price rollout.

Quoted in the NFIB blog 6/2014 – “First sale” stories includes the launch of Chambers Pivot Industries.

Quoted in Bomchelle.com’s blog 6/2014 –A little blip on getting through slow times. Keyword: planning.

Omaha World Herald 5/2012 – Sure it’s an article about Wes and Willy boys clothes, but if you read to the end, I get mentioned. (talking multi-channel ecommerce)

A merger that made Silicon Prairie News 2/2011 – Danny steps up and delivers the news while catching me without a tropical shirt on and saying things like multi-channel ecommerce.

The Omaha World Herald 6/11/2009“Tropic of cubicle” includes more awesome quotes – some of the same ones from the AP article

Which came from Shout! Omaha 7/29/2010, “From Necktie to Hawaiian Tee” has awesome quotes, some cool pics of me and a graphic of Mad Gim doing the hula in front of some temples

Interviewed for an AP Article 5/2009“Hawaiian Shirts, Big Business Even in Academia” includes awesome quotes.

I got a little press in the Midlands Business Journal 10/17/2008 “Mad Gringo . . .”

My new company was featured in SURF EXPO 1/2008  “What the Hell is Mad Gringo?”

Part of one of Omaha’s Fastest Growing Companies in 2004Omaha Chamber News 2004

Midlands Business Journal Article from 2003: In Down Economy. . .

A short note every Friday afternoon with tips on getting more done in less time. . .next week.