The Right FIT Newsletter #127-Outsourcing, Customer improvement, S’mores

Sales and marketing Newsletter

Quick notes to help you get more sales and marketing done in less time. . . next week.

In this issue:

– Techniques for FIT
– Being Human
– Random Stuff

Techniques for FIT

  • If you’re working on a summer improvement program of any kind, as you look at the individual components of your future state, work on just a single item next week. Lock it in.
  • When considering the idea of outsourcing part of your business, take time and consider the potential loss of any unique competencies that are embedded in your company’s humans. Hard to measure, but a potential threat.
  • Executive coaches come in all shapes and sizes. Look for the ones that develop customized solutions for your business. What’s perfect for the business across the street may be a disaster for you.
  • Implementing stategy is as much about removing obstacles as it is about new initiatives. Look for those obstacles.

Being Human – Make me better

Help Your Customers Kick Butt

(this originally appeared in Amalgamate Summer 2016)

Want to surprise and delight your customers?

Help them kick butt at what they do.I have a little illustration for you. I just bought a new camera. An entry level DSLR from Nikon. Let me show you the ad.

nikon ad

That’s what I bought. I am endless possibilities. I want to kick butt. Look at that picture! I can see my boys and their friends in action. I can smell the chlorine. I can see my email inbox filling up with print requests from relatives.

This is what I got.

nikon instructions

I have the tool to kick butt. I think. Not sure yet.

Don’t do this to your customers. Make it easy to fulfill the promises you’re people are making.

Help them kick butt.


Random Stuff

A confession

My wife is a romantic when it comes to summertime traditions. She grew up in Wisconsin where summers are a little more pleasant than the sticky, wet, dishwasher that is Omaha. I mention these two things as the only way to explain her regular investment in the ingredients for ‘smores. Once spring ends, I can find graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars in the cupboard.

Here’s the thing. I can’t think of the last time we actually ate ‘smores. It’s often too hot, the kids are hardly ever here, and somehow we forget that the ingredients are even there.

Or worse.

Sometimes, Laura goes looking for those graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars and one of the three items are missing. Or two of the three. Or all three.

Well, I have a confession.

It wasn’t me.


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