Find more clients. Win bigger deals. Change your business.

Sept 25-26, 2019 | Milwaukee/Green Bay, WI


What to do when golf isn’t enough.

SEPT 25-26, 2019



Get Clients 2019! is a new program focusing on the conversation required for client acquisition for accountants, engineers, attorneys, architects and virtually all partners and shareholders who manage personal service firms. And the GREEN BAY PACKERS! (BTW, Greg has helped everyone from Analysts to Zone managers find more business.)


Learn immediately useful words, questions, phrases, and listening devices through extensive role playing and testing. The program is 25% lecture, 60% interaction/role-playing, and 15% debriefing designed to master conversational techniques which you can promptly put to use in your sales and marketing efforts.


There’s more to Get Clients 2019! than amazing content – there’s a Green Bay Packers game at Historic Lambeau Field! Immediately after the program we’ll take a bus to Green Bay for a private Packers game-day experience to remember including a brewery tour, Historic Lambeau field experience and post game activities.



You’ll leave Get Clients 2019!  with pages and pages of ideas you can apply the minute you get back to your office. Sharpen your skills as you dive into discovering new language, diagnostics, and ways to create larger projects with longer term relationships.


They say Milwaukee has 4 seasons – winter’s coming, winter, winter’s almost over, and summer. September is the perfect time to visit this midwestern jewel and if you’ve never been to a Green Bay Packer’s game it’s not to be missed. Even if you’re not the world’s biggest NFL fan.


 Attendance capped at 18 for intense interaction with the content and deep peer relationships. You’ll meet people with similar goals for personal development and firm growth. Don’t be surprised if you  walk away with a new best friend!


“Our business developing was in a repetitive state in which stagnation was forming. Since we engaged with Greg, we’ve had a refreshing start.”

“Greg helped my business pivot during some challenging times, and in effect, we were able to harness the power of online marketing to grow our business in ways we hadn’t before.”

“Greg helped me find some of my largest cases EVER. He has exceeded my expectations.”


September 24th

Arrive in Milwaukee

September 25th

Workshop: 8am-4pm
Cocktails: 5:30pm

September 26th

Workshop: 8am-Noon
Bus to Green Bay: 3pm
Kickoff: 7:30pm

September 27th

Return Home or Visit Wisconsin

  • Tuesday 9/24


    Hotel reservations start
    Pre-workshop preparation materials completed
    Enjoy downtown Milwaukee with attendees (introductions provided)

  • Wednesday 9/25


    8am breakfast provided
    9am workshop begins
    10:30 15 min break
    noon lunch
    1pm workshop continues
    2:30 break
    4pm workshop day 1 concludes
    5:30pm cocktail hour
    6:30pm optional dinner with Greg

  • Thursday 9/26


    8am breakfast provided
    9am workshop continues
    10:30am 15 min break
    noon workshop concludes
    lunch provided
    2pm bus leaves for Green Bay
    4pm arrive at Hinterland Brewery across from Lambeau Field
    7:30pm gametime (ticket provided)
    11pm postgame activities, bus to Milwaukee

  • Friday 9/27

    Hotel checkout at 11am
    Greg’s advice – spend the weekend in Kohler, golf at the American Club





Paid Registration by July 27, 2019

Rate details here



Rate details here



Rate details here

*The workshop fee distinguishes those who are serious about their business and is easily recouped through increased business and earning higher fees.

Registrations cancelled by Aug 15 will receive a full refund. Cancellation requests received after Aug 15, 2019 (including no-shows) will not be refunded, but can have their rate applied to future events.



MKE Mitchell Airport Milwaukee
we’ll be staying at one of downtown Milwaukee’s finer hotels (Pfister, Knickerbocker, Saint Kate) located within walking distance of restaurants and bars, so renting a car isn’t required.


We’ll be staying in zip code 53202 so set your GPS accordingly.

Lyft | Milwaukee Taxi | Milwaukee Public Transportation


We know you don’t care about what Greg’s done, just that you get results. However, if you’re curious, growing companies hire Greg to help them develop sales and marketing practices that work for their unique cultures and talents. Greg believes a best practice that your team isn’t bought into will never be used and works with companies to figure out what works and builds momentum from there. Greg is the author of “The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth” and he’ll send you a copy. This workshop is part of Greg’s Ultimate Rainmaker series and it’s focused on the #1 way to increase not only the velocity of your new business development but also on how to create bigger opportunities. The one-two punch of amazing rainmakers. Most of Greg’s work is by referral (and many of the slots for this workshop are reserved for his clients) but if you want a list of references, just ask.


We’re doing the workshop on the 25th and half the day on the 26th of September, 2019. The event is built to take advantage of the Green Bay Packers Thursday Night NFL game, on 9/26 at 7:30. Greg’s brother-in-law owns Hinterland Brewery, directly across the street from Lambeau Field, and over the years they’ve been looking for an excuse to get friends and acquaintances up there for an unforgettable, one-of-a-kind experience. The workshop will be amazing, but coupled with the Packer game, it’s a can’t miss training event.

The workshop will be in downtown Milwaukee at one of the city’s unique hotels, within walking distance to many of Brew City’s unique entertainments. We’ve chartered a bus from downtown Milwaukee to and from Lambeau Field for the game and festivities. Hotel checkout in Milwaukee is Friday at 11am.

I’m talking to multiple hotels and my favorite (the Pfister) is almost full with another event. The sooner I know how many people to get hotels for, the sooner we’ll be able to tell you where it all takes place. The hotel and meals for the workshop are included in the event price.

In my work with professional service firms, there are two improvements that create the most dramatic change in business development results. The first is improving “opportunity development” conversations with buyers. Good business development people recognize a new opportunity and leap into it, “Hey! We do that! Let me tell you how!”  Great business development people are more patient, recognizing the opportunity and asking more questions to let the opportunity blossom to the point where the client says, “Hey! We really need this! Do you do it?”

This workshop is about how to patiently uncover more opportunities, develop larger opportunities, and build rock solid business cases to speed up decision making. (in case you’re wondering, the second dramatic improvement in business development is decision process management. I’ll do a separate workshop on that in the future.)

Registration is open to anyone selling professional services, but I guarantee you won’t be the only-one-of-your-kind in the room. How do I know? For one, it’s priced at a premium which limits the interested parties across disciplines. Second, it always works out that way. For sure you can count on a room filled with smart people who sell their smarts as a service. You’ll get tremendous value in the cross-pollination of ideas between disciplines.

Maybe. It’s happened before and will probably happen again. This event isn’t being marketed to just one city which should minimize the conflicts. If you’re looking for travel companions, I will share the roster close to the event week. One thing is for sure, I can’t guarantee there won’t be Green Bay Packers fans sitting next to Philadelphia Eagle fans.

A perfect learning environment, from my perspective, is 12-18 participants. I have access to 20 tickets at Lambeau, so anything above will be messy. It’s safe to assume there will be no more than 18.

After the cocktail hour on Wednesday, I will be taking a group to one of my favorite dinner spots in Milwaukee. You’re welcome to join but after spending an entire day with me, you might need a break! I get it. No offense taken. I usually have a group of 6-8 that are open to more stories and a culinary adventure.

If you’re responsible for new business development in your firm, you need to be there. We’ll have senior partners, shareholders, and partner track individuals from firms throughout the area. Attendees will have pre-course preparation materials to ensure they work on the toughest calls, thorniest objections, and highest potential client situations.
During the workshop attendees can sit in the “hot seat” and either practice their own responses or try their toughest objections on Greg and learn his responses. Attendees will have the opportunity for intimate practice with small groups.

The course is being marketed to all of professional services, especially to those that don’t have formal selling roles like engineering firms, law firms, CPA firms etc. In my work with professional services, the two areas of “selling” that dramatically improve results are in opportunity development and deciphering the clients decision process. This workshop will focus on opportunity development, specifically the questions, phrases, and listening devices utilized in developing large, complex projects. It’s a process, but less of a prescribed system than a set of tools and strategies to structure conversations.
The big question: would it be valuable to someone in the marketing/agency world? My answer is, it depends. Look at this graphic. I use it to help firms orient their focus between marketing or sales, but I want you to focus on the sales side labels:

Considering the sales side, rank your market on each element on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “not at all like my market” and 10 being “exactly like my market.” A score close to 60 will get a lot from this event. A score in the 40s, less so.

The fee is $3,300, which distinguishes those who are serious about their business, and is easily recouped through increased business and earning higher fees.

For LOCALS, the workshop alone, without hotel or the Packer game day experience, the fee is only $995.

The full workshop/event fee includes 3 nights hotel, Wednesday breakfast, lunch, cocktail hour, and Thursday breakfast, lunch, Hinterland pre-game, bus and game ticket. I know, it’s a lot.

Without the game day experience, the workshop including the hotel and meals is $2900.

Early registration is $2,700 before July 27, 2019. 

Registrations cancelled by Aug 15 will receive a full refund. Cancellation requests received after Aug 15, 2019 (including no-shows) will not be refunded, but can have their rate applied to future events. Hotel reservations are made via our block of rooms with registration. The confirming letter will include local hotels if you choose the training only option without the Packer game day experience.

Upon registration you will receive an electronic confirmation as well as a pre-workshop preparation documents. Attendees will receive a set of training materials useful for revisiting over time.

CPE or CE credits are not available at this time.

I recognize there ARE people who need help, and in every every session I run there’s always at least one person, sometimes more that are on scholarship. As a rule, I never give these free seats to people who ask for them but rather, I identify people I know could use the help and I make the offer.

Greg will be in contact with you before the workshop to ask a series of questions which makes the workshop more relevant to you. The workshop includes a 30-day period of email/text questions to Greg’s personal email address and phone, to be answered within 24 hours. Use this to practice before a sales call or to debrief after one. Some will use it simply to continue to hone their skills and I encourage it.

I am going to put together a short video with an idea similar to what we’re going to cover. In the meantime, these posts (under Being Human) have some of the ideas that will be sprinkled through the workshop.
There’s a lot. If you want to see more, click on Blog in the header and use the search bar to put in terms like “opportunity” or “qualify” or “complex” and one more thing: send me a note and ask for a copy of “The Human Being’s Guide to Business Growth.” It will give you a flavor of what to expect as well as some ideas for growing your firm simply and quickly.